With the continuous progress of society, modern logistics has an increasing demand for automated production and loading and unloading. The emergence of loading and unloading roller conveyor lines can effectively avoid overwork caused by manual loading and unloading, thereby reducing labor costs. The invention of large-volume conveyor equipment is undoubtedly a huge help for mankind to move towards industrial production.
Until the mid-1980s, the rapid advancement of my country's industry led to the development of some emerging industries. The rise of these industries promoted the innovation of roller conveyors. Since then, roller conveyor lines have developed rapidly, and their manufacturing level and scale are now A brand-new stage, found in assembly production lines in almost every industry.
Therefore, roller conveyor lines are the most commonly used conveying machinery in the transportation of goods. With the progress and development of industry, various general and special rollers for roller conveyors have been developed, and their specifications and varieties are also available.